Legislative Intent Behind Dodd-Frank Section 953 While, on its face, this section may seem to add be a noble measure of transparency to a corporate world filled with executive excess and greed, in actuality, this measure is misplaced and ineffective. That is to say,...
Independence of Compensation Consultants and Other Compensation Committee Advisors Section 10C(b) of Dodd-Frank deals with the “Independence of Compensation Consultants and Other Compensation Committee Advisors”. A compensation committee may only select a...
Enron’s Progeny: Dodd-Frank and Beyond Additional regulatory changes/additions from recent years shows that the public is still affected by the actions of Jeffrey Skilling and the Enron collapse. Most prominently, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer...
Regulatory Response Continues: The Bankruptcy of Morals & The Homestead Exemption after Enron For instance, as public outrage increased over the devastating pension losses for Enron employees, more attention was paid to the personal financial gains (and losses) of...
Regulatory & Public Policy Response: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (aka Sarbox or SOX) After the wave of scandals that swept through Corporate America following Enron’s collapse, the confidence of both investors and ordinary Americans outside of the markets were...