Compensation Committee Independence & Hiring National securities exchanges and associations already have their own requirements to ensure that compensation committee members are independent. Under NYSE and NASDAQ corporate governance standards, directors can...
Regulatory & Public Policy Response: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (aka Sarbox or SOX) After the wave of scandals that swept through Corporate America following Enron’s collapse, the confidence of both investors and ordinary Americans outside of the markets were...
Reverberation: The Loss of Consumer Confidence A June 5th, 2006 Gallup poll revealed that 3 out of 4 American’s believe that top executives at large corporations participate in practices similar to those of the top executives at Enron. Furthermore, 9 out of 10...
Broken Promises: How Enron’s Corporate Imperialism Left India Powerless Enron also epitomized the corporate imperialist doctrine of modern globalist economics by bullying their way into developing countries with large-scale infrastructure projects that fail to live...
California Schemin’: How Enron Fleeced the Golden State Another group of individuals negatively affected by the deceitful actions of Enron management were the citizens of California. The California energy crisis of 2000-2001 took advantage of California energy...